3 rounds of:
10 Kettle Bell Swings
10 External Rotations (each arm)
10 Banded Side Raises (each arm)
Deadlifts - 4 sets of 5-8 reps @ 70% - 76% of your best lift.
:75 seconds rest between sets
*Tempo for each rep is 4 seconds down, 1 second up.
Shoulder Press
*As Deadlifts
4 sets of:
8 Trap Bar Deadlifts (diamond looking bar in the 2nd room you step inside)
:30 seconds rest
15 Leg Curls (don't lift your hips off the bench)
:90 seconds - 2 minutes rest
4 sets of:
10 Dumbbell Upright Rows
straight into
15 Dumbbell Side Raises
:90 sec - 2 minutes rest
Start a clock for 10 minutes and Work through as many sets as you can of:
20 single leg Calf Raises (R)
20 single leg Calf Raises (L) - Hold a dumbbell in one arm.
20 GHD Sit ups