Warm Up
Run / jog 400m
Row 300m
Run 200m
Row 100m
1 min on each station for maximum reps
4 rounds
1- Ball Slam 9kg / 12 kg
2- Kettle bell swing 12kg / 16kg
3- Skipping OR Star jumps
4- Lunges
5- Strict shoulder press 15kg / 20kg
6- Rest
* Use weights as a guide, it should be challenging but you shouldn’t have to be putting it down after 5 reps. The first weight listed is generally the female weight / then the male weight. If you feel you can do more, please do. Don’t go out too strong on the first round, a minute sounds like not much but it is in this type of workout. Have fun & count your reps, the total of all stations, tally up as you go. 💪🏻😁
Click on link for cool down video 😊